PDF Compressor - Features
The key features of our advanced PDF Compressor are:

PDF Compression Engine implements the most advanced
PDF/image compression algorithms (including JPEG2000
and JBIG2) to create resulting PDF files with
the highest quality/file size ratio.
PDF Compression Engine implements the automatic selection
of the most efficient lossless data compression algorithm for
each data object to produce the smallest resulting file as possible.
Command-line mode for automation and/or scheduling
your PDF compression tasks. Use it on a server
as well as on PCs.
Visual graphics to preview compression results let
you see the resulting file size and its changes depending on
set compression options.
Profiles considerably improve the processing of multiple
PDFs the same way. A profile contains the set of compression
options. You can create, save, and apply named profiles.
Batch compressing mode lets you easily process multiple
PDF files. You can set renaming and other options
to process a selected group of files.
Easy-to-use and highly customizable user interface.
"Under the hood" of very simple and clean user's interface
is hidden a very complex compression engine.
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